تم اليوم توقيع مذكرة تفاهم فى مقر الهيئة العامة للزراعة والثروة الحيوانية والبحرية ومقرها مدينة شحات تحث ادارة المهندس محمد عبد العالي مصباح بصفته رئيساً للهيئة و ليبيا الجديدة ومقرها مدينة سكرمينتو بولاية كاليفورنيا وممثلها الرسمي بدولة ليبيا السيد يونس عبد العاطي يونس وتنص المذكرة على تفعيل علاقة الشراكة والتعاون بين الطرفين والتعاون العلمي والتِّقني المُشترك في مجالات حماية البيئة والموارد الطبيعية بما يكفل منع تلوّثها والمحافظة عليها ، وذلك عن طريق استرجاع الغابات واستحداث غابات جديدة ، وحماية النباتات والغابات والحيوانات البرية ، استصلاح الأراضي الزراعية ، إنشاء المراعي الموسمية ، وتنمية مساقط المياه ، وتعزيز تقنيات حصاد المياه
09/18/2018 a memorandum of understanding was signed at the headquarters of the general Authority for agriculture, livestock and marine, based in the city of Shahat, under the management of engineer Mohamed Abdel-Ali Mesbah as chairman of the authority and The New Libya based in the city of Sacramento, California and its official representative in Libya. Mr. Younes Abdelaty Younis.
The memorandum provides partnership and cooperation between the two parties and the joint scientific, technical cooperation in the fields of protection of the environment and natural resources to ensure the prevention of pollution, recovery of forests, development of new forests, protection of Plants, wildlife, and the reclamation of farmland, establishment of seasonal pastures, development of watershed, and the enhancement of water harvesting techniques.
09/18/2018 a memorandum of understanding was signed at the headquarters of the general Authority for agriculture, livestock and marine, based in the city of Shahat, under the management of engineer Mohamed Abdel-Ali Mesbah as chairman of the authority and The New Libya based in the city of Sacramento, California and its official representative in Libya. Mr. Younes Abdelaty Younis.
The memorandum provides partnership and cooperation between the two parties and the joint scientific, technical cooperation in the fields of protection of the environment and natural resources to ensure the prevention of pollution, recovery of forests, development of new forests, protection of Plants, wildlife, and the reclamation of farmland, establishment of seasonal pastures, development of watershed, and the enhancement of water harvesting techniques.